Grove College & Career


The Grove College and Career group meets each Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Building. Join us as

Grove Youth


The Grove Youth group meets each Wednesday at 6pm in The Fellowship Hall for dinner. Classes are 6:30-7:30 pm. Come

Adult Bible Study


The Adult Bible Study class meets in the Sanctuary each Wednesday at 6:30 pm. All adults are welcome to join

Youth Christmas Program


Join us for morning worship as the youth will perform a special Christmas program to celebrate the season.

Connect Classes


Connect Classes are Sunday School style classes for people of all ages. We gather at 9 am each Sunday morning

Handbell Music & Communion


Join us for morning worship and Communion as the handbell choir treats us with a special performance.

Connect Classes


Connect Classes are Sunday School style classes for people of all ages. We gather at 9 am each Sunday morning