It’s time to get ready for basketball!
Students in grades K-12th are invited to register using the form below. You can also register in-person at the Family Life Center on January 2nd between 6 and 7pm or January 4th between 10 am and 2pm.
The first game is scheduled for January 11, 2025. PLEASE NOTE A SCHEDULE CHANGE IN PREPARATION FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER. The first game has been rescheduled for January 18, 2025.
Participation fees, practice and game info, and contact information is provided below.
There is a small participation fee of $25 due by the first practice. This fee is per child (up to 4). For families with 5 siblings or more, the fee is $100. We accept cash or check. Please make checks out to Ignite Sports.
Practices begin in January and will be held on Mondays and Thursdays. The first practice will be January 6th. Specific dates and times for each age group will be announced soon.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Nate Jackson via email at [email protected].
It’s time to get ready for cheerleading!
Students in grades K-5th are invited to register using the form below. You can also register in-person at the Family Life Center on January 2nd between 6 and 7pm or January 4th between 10 am and 2pm.
The first game is scheduled for January 11, 2025. PLEASE NOTE A SCHEDULE CHANGE IN PREPARATION FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER. The first game has been rescheduled for January 18, 2025.
Participation fees, practice and game info, and contact information is provided below.
There is a small participation fee of $25 due by the first practice. This fee is per child. We accept cash or check. Please make checks out to Ignite Sports.
Practices begin in January and will be held on Wednesdays at 5:30pm. the first practice will be January 8th. Specific dates and times will be announced soon.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Trinity Patty via email at [email protected].
Each year, we host fun activities for children of all ages during our week of Vacation Bible School. These activities are meant to provide exposure to our church and to Christ our Lord while also giving kids a fun outlet while school is out for summer break!
We are already planning the activities for summer 2025! Look for details after the holidays!
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