We are grateful for the generous people who faithfully support our church, missions, and the kingdom of God through prayerful giving. 

Why Give?

Everything we have is from God and it is our desire to use our resources to serve His kingdom. Throughout scripture, we are given examples of how we should view our possessions and property through this lens. 



Giving allows for the establishment of new ministries and churches. It enables the church to support initiatives to spread the gospel throughout the globe and to meet the needs of others in the name of Christ.



According to 1 Timothy 6:17–18, those who have should give liberally to those who have not. May we all be examples of this call with our physical resources and our spiritual. 

Ways to Give

Each Sunday during worship, you have an opportunity to give. Consider placing cash or a check in the offering plate as
it passes by.

Give Cash or Check
Use our convenient online donation link above and mark your calendar to remind yourself each week or month to tithe.

Give of your time and your God given talents or skills. Be sure to stay in the know on the many needs and service opportunities available in our church and community. Check out the Church Life link for current needs.

Give Time or Talents

Have Questions?

If you have questions about how you can give to the multiple ministries we host and/or support, contact us with the form below. We would love to discuss this topic with you!

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