Senior Pastor

Pastor Rick Lemons shepherds our church with love and conviction. He was raised at Piney Grove until God led him away into his pulpit ministry in four other local churches.

Pastor Rick has been in active ministry for almost thirty years and brings God’s word week after week with simple but profound truth that touches others from small children to scholars. 


If you have questions or need spiritual guidance, Pastor Rick welcomes you to reach out via his contact info below. 

Church Staff & Volunteers

Without our amazing staff and volunteers, we would not be able to serve our congregation and community as we do. There are many who perform in big and small ways to allow us to operate, hold services, and address the needs of our body.


If you are interested in serving or participating in an area that you do not see listed, contact us via the contact form linked in the red box below. 

Church Leadership

Feel free to reach out to any of our leaders with questions!

Rick Lemons

Senior Pastor


Jonathan Goforth

Worship Leader


Jim Horton

Deacon Chairman


Brian & Stephanie Gamble

Grove Youth Directors


Interested in Volunteering?

There are many opportunities to use your skills and gifts to benefit our church and community.

Contact Us to Inquire

We would love to talk about your areas of interest.
Click Here

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